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Service Technicians

Are you getting the most out of your Completion Chemicals? The honest answer is probably, “I have no idea.” There are many factors that can affect the performance of your Completion Chemicals - well head pressure, down hole temps, water type, pump rates and more. Mountain Supply and Service can provide on-site Service Technicians to ensure our Completion Chemicals are fully optimized. Our Service Technicians are highly trained individuals that will work with your pump truck operator to provide the following: 

  • Diagnosis of which chemical(s) will best serve your needs in well productivity and profitability.
  • Daily on-site visits while the job is under way.
  • Monitor and provide data on the following: Water pH, Chloride levels, FR Viscosity, Sweep Viscosity, Return Sweep Viscosity and more.
  • Ensure proper fluid ratios are provided to the pump truck for drill outs and toe preps.

Mountain Supply and Service seeks to ensure our customers are experiencing all the benefits of our chemicals. Our Service Technicians are one way we deliver “Service Beyond the Sale.”